New Ventures and Deep Transformations

I’ve never been the kind of person to really make New Year’s resolutions. I spend the first week of the year contemplating the previous year and my life in general and what the next year might have in hold. Then I have my birthday. (It’s Jan. 8th, if you are wondering). It tickles me that I have an early birthday because I spend 99% of the year as one age so when I say the year I was 22, it really was the year. And I being born in an even decade, my age also closely follows the year, so 2014, I’m 34. Nice and even. My OCD is pleased. 

Anyway, back to resolutions and contemplations…

This last year I had the feeling I’m on the verge of something BIG. Not sure of what. Kinda like when people feel impending doom. This isn’t a morbid feeling though.  It’s a good feeling. Justthisclose of being an epiphany. A lot of this feeling is in direct relation to work and what I like to do (not work). Although, it’s not that I don’t want to work. I just want to be doing something that is more beneficial to me and others. I feel like I’ve written about this before de ja vu…

And then I read my career raise horoscope from the DailyWorth (which is an uber cool website about finance geared for women):

Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)
You are: Disciplined and ambitious (not sure about the disciplined part but surely ambitious)

Your year ahead: Expect some huge career changes in 2014. When the planet Pluto is in a sign, there are deep transformations — Phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes kind of changes — ahead. Nordhaus-Bike says you can expect this planet in your sign all year, so a big work makeover could be around the corner. “You can eliminate what no longer serves you and create new structures and businesses that serve the highest good.”

YES! Everything about this just sings to my soul! I have some big, big plans in my head. Things that will shake up my community for some fun things, crafty things! I’m thinking about starting an artist/crafter’s guild/cooperative in my area that will have a retail location. I have an appointment for a space next week. Just to get the juices and excitement flowing. There’s a few people I’ve talked to about having one and I’ve garnered enough interest to move forward in making this happen.

So I’m posing some questions to you crafty people’s out there: have you been a part of such a thing? I’m currently selling things in a couple of stores being charged a commission price and I’m thinking that is going to be part of this business model along with some key business people to join in to cover overhead and not just rely on sales. Once, I did think about renting studio space in the local artist spaces and sharing but this would be more retail. The store is downtown where lots of cool artsy stuff is always happening. We have a First Friday that’s pretty well attended so I’m hoping to draw attention that way as well. I just want to bring people together in a crafty common interest!

Looking forward to any experience people have retail and group wise. Here’s to getting a move on something BIG!