Today! TODAY, my friends my shop on Etsy has been open for a whole year! What what!

Use coupon code ONEYEAR for 10% off your next purchase with MaitriDesigns on Etsy!


In my excitement, I forgot to put my cute HandmadeLoveTag up! I made these up as a little envelope stuffer for some yarntastic gift exchanges I’m doing. I love to put in fun little things.  This is a jpeg file you can download and print away or even share but please don’t sell it! I made it with love in mind 🙂 Enjoy!HandmadeLoveTag

A whole lot of Croc…

Crocodile Stitch…that is!

I love, love this stitch! A friend of mine asked if I could whip up the ever popular Crocodile Stitch booties and I’ve envied them for so long. It might be the first pattern I ever purchase because I LOVE them so much and I want them to be authentic. I scoured the web for a tutorial on this lovely stitch and found one at Lost and Found Lane that is pictorial! So easy to follow! I can’t remember the original place that I had printed some directions but the result is the same. Not at all hard like I imagined it to be.

So to practice, I needed a project that was fairly simple. With a birthday coming up for my friend’s dear daughter, I thought it would be perfect because she is all owl themed. I wanted to make a pillow and while working along I realized a pillow might be a bit big for a one year old. I minimized it to a stuffie. She loved it. I love it. The other guests loved it. Thumbs up for me. 🙂 Now, I just need to write a pattern, but I didn’t think it was hard to craft at all.

Crocodile Feathery Friend

I worked her flat and then whipped stitched around after stuffing. I love, love it.

For my other crafty projects, I’ve been busy brainstorming, plotting, and planning. Lately though, on my mind has been the coming to fruition retail store. Lots of my friends are interested and with that support, I’ve been looking at some stores and talking to people about places for rent. Some places were ehhhh…some were pricey (no surprise) and some still are mysteriously out of reach. I’m hoping this search isn’t going to take forever but in the meantime, there’s some fundraising efforts that will be happening shortly. The upcoming prime craft show season is about upon us. Time to start planning.

As for my plotting, I’ve steadily been making sales on Etsy. There was an explosion over Valentine’s Day with one particular design. My hubs said to not get too excited since it would probably be short-lived. It was. But I got enough money to make a large purchase for a machine that I’ve been eyeing…a heat press! With all kinds of awesome attachments to make things like plates, mugs, hats and such. It is due to arrive Friday. Cannnnnnnoooooootttt wait! I’ll be bringing you all kinds of projects that I am going to do on it! I really think this machine will further my business. More on that later.

As for some yarny thoughts, my bestie is expecting her second child in less than 30 days! She is having a girl, Aurora. She requested that I make a vintage, flapper style hat and a matching diaper cover in some neutrals. With a name like Aurora, I I was looking for some color but in the muted tones she is thinking. I picked out a cute yarn that is similar to the Homespun yarns called Spice Shop at A.C. Moore in the color Windy Day. Also, for my notion, a bright gem colored button for a pop of color. My plan is to make a removable flower for it as well. I’m super stoked for this. I need to have it done before Sunday because that is when her sprinkle is. Isn’t the coloring lovely?


The yarn isn’t quite as lusterous as the flash makes it. I can’t wait to get on this! I’m currently finishing up a horn for my unicorn hat so I’ll be finishing up a couple yarny projects. Deets and pics later this week!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend and has a lovely week. Craft on my friends, craft on!



My facebook page Maitri Designs almost has 100 likes! Yes! But I need your help! Could you be a lovely person and go “like” my page? I’ll do a giveaway! Of what, I do not know! Maybe anything in my Etsy shop? Or anything custom designed?

What’s a good giveaway item?

Be sure to tell me what your link or page is and I’ll reciprocate the love!