Keep on Moving

Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down




I’ve got to keep on moving.


Especially if one has food poisoning. And that, my friends, will not only keep you moving to the bathroom as no food gets held down. I learned that this past weekend after dining on some yummy steak and scallops.  I could have lived the rest of my life without that particular food experience. I love food yet at the time I could have wished I never eat again.


I also was so ill I couldn’t even knit. Sadness…


I rarely get sick thankfully. When I do, in my household the world has ended.  That’s what it sounds like when my boys are left to their own devices. Dishes in my kitchen sound like they are constantly crashing. Dinner burned. The baby is crying for his bottle. I know that other mothers experience this however my family has only on two other occasions that I know of. I’m very grateful for my hardy genes that ward off the sickies.


When I wasn’t sleeping during my day off, I was plotting on how could I continue not to get up. As in, not go to my day job. This has been a constant thought of mine. What can I do to make money and not go to work. Of course this is another thought other moms (along with the rest of the gainfully employed) probably think. I’ve been working at this. Seems like I’m working harder at trying to staying home and working even harder!

I joined a freelance community and the little projects I’ve submitted keep getting shot down. I’m feeling a bit discourage! I keep plugging on though. Keep hoping.

I keep thinking can’t nobody hold me down.