Hellllloooo? How are you?

Did you miss me?

I know it’s been SO. DARN. LONG. Over a year. And to say that I’ve been busy is an understatement. So cliche. What have I been doing? Well, first, for some reason I was having issues getting into this site account. Then the other day I had to start a new website for a client and had to change my password and update my email login and viola! I am back.

Last year at this time, I was filling out the LLC paperwork for my company Maitri Design Co. Yay, it’s been a year that we’ve been official. I totally missed that mark on my social media, because helllooo, I’ve got things going on!

Let’s celebrate just a minute!

In any case, for the last year, I’ve been working on trying to get more clients and work. Without a steady job as many people have also been struggling, it wasn’t really like a great time to start an advertising business it seemed however, it actually did make sense to me. I had to show that I was working or applying to jobs while on unemployment. Did you know that the pandemic sparked so many people to start to work for themselves? Not just because of the Great Resignation, but people started to realize the benefit of working for themselves! I have a friend who told me that I could go get a job any time if my business failed. It was up to me to make it succeed and I could always start another business at any time.

But let’s get back to some craftiness since that’s what this blog really is about, right? I knitted and crocheted lots of things. Made some funny fiber artist shirts as well as designing lots of other apparel. Designed a maker’s planner. Lots of stuff. Been mommin’ it up with my youngest and my oldest who moved back in with us this past fall. Tried to keep up with a YouTube channel. I’m terrible at keeping things up to date.

Also, last summer my birth mother came to visit before she decided to move back to the Philippines. That was super emotional. Maybe more on that another time. There’s so much to unpack in that.

But now that we are getting back to normal life (will life ever be normal again because of Covid?), I’ve been really thinking about the future. Plans, thoughts, life … what are your thoughts?

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