According to Webster’s Dictionary

My husband says I have issues. I’m not arguing with that. I take something for anxiety but it only does just enough to curb my constant thoughts and jubilee over the next great thing I have discovered. i used to wonder if I were AD/HD or something like my oldest son, but I can actually focus and get things done even throughout interruption. But manic, now that’s a word that truly describes me.

manic |ˈmanik|


showing wild and apparently deranged excitement and energy : his manic enthusiasm | a manic grin.

• frenetically busy; frantic : the pace is utterly manic.

• Psychiatry relating to or affected by mania : the manic interludes in depression.

I am certainly frenetically busy. And often deranged. Mostly about what I think I can accomplish in a certain amount of time and trying to multitask the crap out of things. At the moment, I’m very excited in trying to organize my thoughts and the various projects that I’m doing that I’ll write all that I can about this current state. But honestly, there may come a day where I might just stop writing. Let’s not hope for that.

I’m one Craftmanic Mommy

I’m a craftastic manic mama to a teenaged son and a toddler son.  Wife to a husband who just doesn’t get my endless need and drive to do things. I’m a late night, almost self-induced insomniac crafter, taking advantage of the precious moments that no one can interrupt my crafting compulsions. There’s an endless list of things I want to make, do and learn about that I often get overwhelmed with trying to cram in all that I can. Lover of pinterest that fuels and feeds the moments I can’t actually be on-hands crafting.  I work a day time job as a graphic designer, have a small freelance business AND own a small handmade soap company, yet I’m constantly plagued by thoughts of what else can I be making…I’d like to be a stay at home crafting mama yet that hasn’t come to fruition yet. Join me on my rambling journey of world wide crafting.