
Whooty Whooo Hat

Whooty Whooo Hat

And she is finished! I fell asleep last night with the baby only to wake up at midnight to finish this cutie up. I loved feeling this plush yarn as this was the first time using something so fluffy! The white was Pipsqueak, I think made by Bernat. I just LOOOOVE it. I may get more for other things! They grey is two strands together of one acrylic and a fun fur. And the the rest is just some acrylic I have around. I’m not one to usually think about the details of what yarn I use for what since I just have piles of acrylic that I rummage through for random things. I hoard my special stuff like the alpaca, boucle and wools for what I don’t know; I think for the right inspiration to make something with them instead of continuing to hoard. I don’t feel so bad because I’ve heard of some ladies having a stash for years before using it if ever. This was just a fun little project and next I think the mama of this little girl is going to have me make a deer hat with antlers for another daughter. I just love this adorable girl hats since my baby boy hates to wear any thing I make him.